How to Read and Place Artwork on a Die-line

YELLOW: DESIGN AREA- Where your design will be visible.

ORANGE: LID LIP/EDGE- On the lid the design will be visible. On the base the lip will also be visible but not good for intricate design.

PURPLE: BLEED/ROLL- This area acts as a bleed for artwork. On the lid the roll will be hidden but the base roll will be visable. You can add color to the lid roll by printing on the inside of the lid.

In the die-line above you can see the width of each design area, lip and roll being displayed in mm measurements. On each die-line there will be guides telling you where the tin beings to roll or curve and what the best area is to place designs.

To create a design with raw tin showing through a "white" layer is needed. This shows the factory where to place the white coat and where to leave the tin showing through.


This is the finished design. On this tin there was a white print layer that was created in order to let the raw tin show through. Then pantones and CMYK printing methods were adding for the gold and black.